NBA 2k16 kept bringing us from year to year, a realistic basketball experience. But beyond their equipment, new graphics and a variety of modes, the famous basketball simulator this year was marked by something else: a new way to walk. This is what we expect?
experienciaNBA seeking
While NBA 2K another publication aims to improve the graphics and reproduction, publication surpassed 2k16: Modus pereformulirovkaV “My career”.
perulanganbeberapa last year, you can start with perdaproxectoand work to be hired by an NBA team, but this year, 2K Sports has taken further, put yourself in the place of the new students began to notice the university and the project as well, ready to see and be a NBA legend.
agoraNon think you have to play one year in college basketball in the NCAA (probably next), but mereUchityvaya opportunity to resumídelo in four pertandingansesuai with the relevant regulations.
2K Sports not only make it look quereparamore professional, but also want to keep the players in their everyday lives. A pleasant surprise, because the career mode runs Spayk Li brings to the extraordinary sequence of events.
It began as a neighborhood kid poor African-americanofamilias collapsing twin prepodaetVy basketball. You will also find lots of cinematic scenes from their parents to talk about how a good boy, denganTentu, not to mention who donated. Topics that plays scanningseventh your face, or choose another ethnic probably come through a very odd. You can always think of it as an accident of genetics, but this can easily lead to embarrassment.
Although destessaloucos I remain good career mode with new ideas, even if it was nice to communicate with the heroes of history. However, at least have the opportunity to make professional decisions in the course of its history terkemuka.Sebagai bonus, you can also try cameos from playersreal, you have to offer their help during his adventures. How do you want to see the Stiven Karri is your mentor?
Despite the fact that the new way my career is the basis for NBA 2k16, you can be sure that 2K Games is not resting on lavrahDrugiemodos. You’ll also find my command, similar to FIFA 16 Ultimate Team, but for basketball. And, of course, only be able to play regular games just for fun or mencobadengan various online modes.
Theteam, do not hesitate to find all the usual NBA team, but also will have 12 classic teams such as the Dallas Mavericks in 2003 and the Portland Trail Blazers in 2000 as an extra. Do not stay aside and the European basketball fan, you’ll find the same 25 teams in the Euroleague, we see in NBA 2K15.
2K Sports continues to adapt to the NBA 2K, and in this version are two new and exciting changes. On the one hand, the protection of “strong” and treated kemampuanSerangan buttonThe same, which makes both of these techniques is far more intuitive.
CPer other hand, if you hold one of the buttons permanently, you see a symbol that basketbolaPokazyvaya possible passages and movements of certain players (assigned to a button). It is very easy for the players to see every game possible and achieve impressive produtivaengrenaxe.
We are not wise, if not to mention the graphic aspect of NBA 2k16. 2K Sports brought again, offers cutting rincidan incredible animationfor players who could very well be the most realistic we’ve seen in deportesxogo. Although we emphasize chtoeto more visible on the Xbox 720 and PS4; This year, they left the ball fell a little with the “door” it on your computer.
The return of the NBA season
NBA 2k16 again showed really important for fans simulaciónBaloncesto. The rich variety of ways, realism and movement to the past makes it very tempting.