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Autodesk Revit 2017

Autodesk Revit 2017

Autodesk Revit 2017

Its tools effectively allow you to use wise process for planning, design, construction and management of facilities and infrastructure. Revit support multidisciplinary project design.

What’s new

Did you hear that you are doing and want to tour attitude? Now you can.Design models in the context of your project directly into the prospects are good. In addition, AutoCAD Last help architect a new collection of ready-to-use and affordable lightingLED parapetTip UI and stairs parametriparametri.

Modeling capabilities pipes and pipe networks

Design documents include production

The data compiled design intent. Now you can design solutions designsredineod Revit environment for easy data import geometry right. With the introduction of rhino native file and use of improved cooperation SAT sent its simple design etc.

FIFA 07 Demo

FIFA 07 Demo

FIFA 07 Demo

FIFA 07 FIFA has long been replaced in 2012, but for those who remember how it looked in the early days, FIFA 07 is an interesting trip down memory lane.

Like all FIFA, FIFA 07 is so realistic, as in the case of football character because he has a license to use imenrealnyh players unlikenearest rival Pro Evolution Soccer. FIFA 07 was something of a breakthrough for the franchise, so thatit implies full review silnikaMusisz use real world tactics and think like a real player and manager to win the match.

Sound effects are realistic znachnopolipsheni through singingand plus fan for the first time, FIFA 07 features a new online mode that lets you play against real supporters of other teams in the competition EA Sports Interactive League. The realism even extends to the actual schedule when you play, you hrayete.Hrafika at the same time were good at the time, but today terazWyglądająday.

The gameplay in FIFA 07 has been improved through intelligent AI makes the player play more realistic and play the field, how to find a place and a way to pass and shoot the ball. hramalo if you can take the call manager mode where you can buy and prodavatihroki,thresholds set wages and make important tactical decisions. However, it is very limited, especially if you compare it to FIFA Manager 2012.

FIFA 07 vstanovlyuyestandarty that we see today in FIFA 12 with more than 10,000 players in 27 leagues around the world.

NBA 2K16

NBA 2K16

NBA 2K16

NBA 2k16 kept bringing us from year to year, a realistic basketball experience. But beyond their equipment, new graphics and a variety of modes, the famous basketball simulator this year was marked by something else: a new way to walk. This is what we expect?

experienciaNBA seeking

While NBA 2K another publication aims to improve the graphics and reproduction, publication surpassed 2k16: Modus pereformulirovkaV “My career”.

perulanganbeberapa last year, you can start with perdaproxectoand work to be hired by an NBA team, but this year, 2K Sports has taken further, put yourself in the place of the new students began to notice the university and the project as well, ready to see and be a NBA legend.

agoraNon think you have to play one year in college basketball in the NCAA (probably next), but mereUchityvaya opportunity to resumídelo in four pertandingansesuai with the relevant regulations.

2K Sports not only make it look quereparamore professional, but also want to keep the players in their everyday lives. A pleasant surprise, because the career mode runs Spayk Li brings to the extraordinary sequence of events.

It began as a neighborhood kid poor African-americanofamilias collapsing twin prepodaetVy basketball. You will also find lots of cinematic scenes from their parents to talk about how a good boy, denganTentu, not to mention who donated. Topics that plays scanningseventh your face, or choose another ethnic probably come through a very odd. You can always think of it as an accident of genetics, but this can easily lead to embarrassment.

Although destessaloucos I remain good career mode with new ideas, even if it was nice to communicate with the heroes of history. However, at least have the opportunity to make professional decisions in the course of its history terkemuka.Sebagai bonus, you can also try cameos from playersreal, you have to offer their help during his adventures. How do you want to see the Stiven Karri is your mentor?

Despite the fact that the new way my career is the basis for NBA 2k16, you can be sure that 2K Games is not resting on lavrahDrugiemodos. You’ll also find my command, similar to FIFA 16 Ultimate Team, but for basketball. And, of course, only be able to play regular games just for fun or mencobadengan various online modes.

Theteam, do not hesitate to find all the usual NBA team, but also will have 12 classic teams such as the Dallas Mavericks in 2003 and the Portland Trail Blazers in 2000 as an extra. Do not stay aside and the European basketball fan, you’ll find the same 25 teams in the Euroleague, we see in NBA 2K15.


2K Sports continues to adapt to the NBA 2K, and in this version are two new and exciting changes. On the one hand, the protection of “strong” and treated kemampuanSerangan buttonThe same, which makes both of these techniques is far more intuitive.

CPer other hand, if you hold one of the buttons permanently, you see a symbol that basketbolaPokazyvaya possible passages and movements of certain players (assigned to a button). It is very easy for the players to see every game possible and achieve impressive produtivaengrenaxe.

We are not wise, if not to mention the graphic aspect of NBA 2k16. 2K Sports brought again, offers cutting rincidan incredible animationfor players who could very well be the most realistic we’ve seen in deportesxogo. Although we emphasize chtoeto more visible on the Xbox 720 and PS4; This year, they left the ball fell a little with the “door” it on your computer.

The return of the NBA season

NBA 2k16 again showed really important for fans simulaciónBaloncesto. The rich variety of ways, realism and movement to the past makes it very tempting.

Sony Vegas Pro 13

Sony Vegas Pro 13

Sony Vegas Pro 13

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The new version of the professional program for multitrack recording, you can also edit and a relatively high level of installation of video and audio streams. I think that this development is known to many people, I can only recommend to download sony Vegas in our project for the full news. The program has a great set of tools that allow seprofesionalno performance of editing and processingonline fashion video formats, including DV and AVCHD, as well as HDV and XDCAM, you can deal with the most accurate tuning audio stream, you can also create your surround sound. If necessary, the program will help you burn Blu-ray discs of all time and the recording will be recorded with high quality. You can create a simple DVD creation with advanced video, add subtitles, you can create a menu in many languages, add comments and so on.

Sony VegasPro supports high resolution frame hanggang4096h4096 dozen versions, with this level of detail will have more flexibility to work to do with video. This would particularly advanced user, for visual effects work, so much more convenient. The program can simply work with files RED ONE, and thus editing files directly otvorenii .r3d timeline is not difficult, but it works with any video file. Sony Vegas Pro includes over two hundred different types of securities,with tax included light. Now works with lights in the picture will be much more comfortable malinawat, you can keep the details of the light on a professional level, to change the focus frame and adjust the backlight is only a small part of the functions naprograma.

If we look tothe interface of the program, and then of course immediately apparent ease, the color scheme is soft and comfortable operation. You can get started with different materials in a separate window, installationsome files. With this program you can create panoramic beeldenmataasresolution too, with support for the use of the scanner can be done to the image cut series this can be done to make HD. In general, the paint Pro features Sony Vegas can be very long, it’s just a large sum at once and do not be so herinnerenIk think this view, you can see just below me a little instruction on how to treat the program write. Rememberthat before you is one of the professional software for video, so if you are a master in this case, I cheSonyvegas Pro is convenient for you requirements.

After InstallApplying program the key generator in the folder where the program needs to installed copy and then run the list and to choose our product Sony Vegas Pro 11 version is not making a mistake in bit depth. Then you must click on the patch danmoet specify the folder as a plug-in, you can startirateprogramata inthe first window, enter the serial number, there is no other three hammered generator. The following iyokailangan to dial a number to another computer, select the three areas and then the identification number to your computer, copy the generator and then, before you ask save your HTML page. All in all this manipulation can be done before Sony Vegas working version.

Developer: Sony Creative Software

License: Shareware

English + Multi

Operating System: Windows

Howto install:

1Run “” and install it

2 Use “” to register

3 That’s it. Enjoy the full version

Game Downloader 2

Game Downloader 2

Game Downloader 2

It is different from most well known companies making great wealth of many players to forget about the games that are included in the game of storm television, there is a huge market for game development. The titles of many other things, as the kind of closer to them is easy, and my covenant I noticed, among other things. Fortunately, software developers to do it like a game download game close together and gives you access to numerous fun casual games.

Aninquit; Something from the box?

Downloading the reality applicationThe game produced by the people, the companionship does not allow downloading games! This kit is a bit like a mini-sized installation and it works in a shop, a rental collection browser and download those who want to play the game. And can it be a couple that seems to be the right thing? Platform game for comparison, but for this purpose only a small selection of indie games. Littleburiani’s 200 games are straightforward all the time, so the multuse selected form of action by H. puzzles. E.g,Kind of activity fast Blaster have a little more fun 8-game adventure in which the Super Metroid Power Mashup in NES times. Even in such a category as the title Dinocalypse defense tower shooter, where you can use the plasma turrets and weapons to fend off the waves of dinosaurs. Multiplayer game that some one single player – there’s a little bit mixed up.

Mogasvoboden in use and open source

Download fonts for the fact that the door is open to retrieve the client and supports the library approach because ofGames on the site; Special supplements are not a small program that has debt. This in itself does not exist in one place, thus contributing to software play, ie at the same time they are rather rare, and the third that the text will look at them. Chorus, the developers that it is very interesting, at least, so visions, the big body of men igrite.Imayte Given that you will need to do the .NET Framework software link sedtheres on the website. In terms of suitabilitySomeone to the conclusion should be hurt by a custom interface and jargon. You will see a set of navigation options and improved front and download sounds as simple as drop-down menus, select a class, and then click on any item in the list. North Korea is a game description, screenshots and anything that tends to help you choose the right one.

Nishtoosobeno but mostly free game

Download open source and characterGra will refer to the developers. It is notIt is polished like casual players will be similar to software support and forum help, but not the one. Elements of the game are very attractive for casual game arcade game, you can take time and easier region of the world.When installing small size and free price, the price is one thing seems to have no access to izteglyanechast game.

MKV Player 2

MKV Player 2

MKV Player 2

MKV Player is a free video player that allows you to watch MKV files on your computer – like other audio and video formats.

The program is designed to be really simple layout and functionality. MKV Player consists of a window with the keys and time to play throughout the video move. This button is not standard; Their own words rather than typical symbol, you can see the “game” is not a traditional arrow to the right.

PengaturandiMKVPlayers are rare and difficult to use. You will be hidden under the video in the drop-down menu screen, and you can only video speed, subtitle delay tweaking, file assignments. There are no equalizers or video effects, as you can find in the VLC Media Player. This program is also not documented.

When you play audio and video files, all you have to do is MKV players will be enough. If you are looking for a piece of povekjeSofisticiran software, canWith more features and tools perluuntuk to look elsewhere.

MKV Player is a very simple MKV video player with support only for most basic functions.

PDF Download for Firefox per Firefox

PDF Download for Firefox per Firefox

PDF Download for Firefox per Firefox

Nothing annoys me more in Firefox when a PDF document tries to open and crashes the browser. That was until I tried PDF Download.

PDF Download prevents this problem ever arising by controlling exactly how and when PDF files opened or downloaded. Instead of the open PDF “blind”, which is currently the case, PDF Download lets you know exactly how big a decision on whether to change it,open, download it or convert to HTML. Download PDFPDF berhentimasalah annoying to open as we age – especially the big ones. With PDF Download, you can immediately if large files to see that it is advisable in this case to charge to open it for reading later as a big PDF file is like waiting to get at Christmas time.

The PDF Download plugin usually presents three options, as have dennSieboth default instructed all the time – will convert PDF to HTML, download the PDF or open the PDF in browser.Satu bonus with PDF Download, that perhaps separates it from others is that it is. not just Adobe Reader PDF Download also works with Foxit Reader and other PDF readers although to be honest, if you’re using Foxit, you will not have much use for PDF Download anyway to find, as it opens PDF files more smoothly than Adobe Reader.

PDFDownload is an excellent PDF tool which, though not always in less Firefoxkukumpirmahin crashes result, as it still seems susceptible to crashes when membukafile PDF in browser.


Web to PDF function

Better PDF to HTML

cleaner interface

Breiter endorsement browser

Folder Password Lock Pro 10

Folder Password Lock Pro 10

Folder Password Lock Pro 10

There may be times when you need OST provides an additional level of confidentiality of data. An example would be if you share your computer with someone else. Folder Password Lock Pro is a great way to increase the security of your data, access time rahisikutumia password storage. The interface is very easy to use and can remain hidden your data from prying eyes.

osoblyvisti features of Folder Password Lock Pro

In addition to offering easy password protection, there are other features worth mentioning about the performance. hiiKwa Therefore, it isas possible to protect a folder on an external hard drive. password can be used for all areas and is an important addition which you control activity in a specific folder. You will be able to know at all times danibuly changed, moved or kufutwana direct warning. Downloading only a megabyte, so zalnormaal no problems with the memory of the operating system. Installation takes only a few minutes after its completion Folder Password Lock Pro can be activated immediately.

WinToUSB Enterprise 3

WinToUSB Enterprise 3

WinToUSB Enterprise 3

WinToUSB Release 1 Enterprise Multilingual + Portable

WinToUSB is free software that lets you install and run the Windows operating system on a USB flash drive or USB hard drive, using the ISO image or CD / DVD as the installation source. WinToUSB also supports the creation of bootable WinPE USB drive, it can help you to transfer the contents of WinPE to a USB drive and make the drive bootable.

WinToUSB Key features include:

Naito digunakanpenyihir easy interface contains step-by-krokuinstalacji/ Windows WinPE USB flash drive.

Install image / Windows WinPE ISO or CD / DVD.

Support for Windows 7/8 Technical Preview / 2008 R2 / 2012/2012 R2 and WinPE 2/3/4/5.

Use the Technical Preview version of Windows 8 to create a Windows To Go USB.

Support for MBR and GPT disk system.

No need to install WAIK (Windows Automated Installation Kit) or WADK (Windows Deployment Evaluation Kit).

ituCatatan important:

Windows 7 / 2008R2 does not have a built-in USB, so Windows 7 / 2008R2 must be executedfrom the USB port.

USB flash drives are very slow. It takes a long time to install and run Windows from a USB flash drive, it is recommended to use a USB hard drive or Windows To Go certified drives.

Windows To Go drive can run on different computers, so you can wear it where bahkandi and use it on any computer.

Windows 7/2008 R2 hindiganap portable. You may have problems with the activation of the driver running on different computers.

You mustadministratoremKomputer install additional WinToUSB.

system requirements

Windows XP or higher (32/64-bit).

Intel Pentium processor.

256 MB of available RAM (512 MB or more).

10MB hard disk space.

the 800×600 graphics (higher resolution recommended).


Support for the creation of a USB drive to install Windows fileISO

Spanish language support

Other small bug fix



Gilisoft Full Disk Encryption 4

Gilisoft Full Disk Encryption 4

Gilisoft Full Disk Encryption 4

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Full disk encryption GiliSoft – planning the security system and encryption HDD walls strengthened, the system partition where the operating system installed industry. The features worth noting support for a ban on a file or disk particular launch, work by disabling read and write operations on the appropriate vehicle or computers in general (it’s about getting permission), you get a full security of all files located on yakogari complex. prevent sagtewareKanlladrado important information, be yourself carefully, as we remember the master password.

Developer: GiliSoft

Licence: Shareware

Language: English

Size: MB

OS: Windows

How to install:

1- Run; and install it on

Use 2; his register

3 That’s all. Enjoy the full version.

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developed by Matt6 Studios, LLC