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Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 14

Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 14

What do you think the problems Rosewood village of a teenage girl? Choose things are hard to love and care. The main heroes of the dream series of such problems. Instead, the risk of mad or blackmailed, kidnapped and killed its leader, after the end of the year Alison.Ein, the secret is in between the four friends of destroying lives is Glory, Spencer, John Hannah. The girls are in danger. oportetAllison it came to pass, He will find that what had befallen the akotie’re – to prevent the destruction of his own tragic.

The Lost City of Z 2016

The Lost City of Z 2016

At the dawn of the 20th century, British explorer Percy Fawcett traveled to Amazonia, where he discovers evidence of a previously unknown highly developed civilization that may have inhabited the region. Despite the ridicule of a scientific institution that views the indigenous population,Yakdikuny, determined by Fosett, with the support of his devoted wife, son, and adjutant, returns to his beloved jungle in an attempt to prove his business.

Beauty and the Beast 2017

Beauty and the Beast 2017

Adapting terrible stories of the prince and the young woman who fall in love. Disney animated classic takes on a new form, with enhanced mythology and all the star actors. The young prince, trapped in the form of the animal can release only true love. Perhaps his only chance happened when he fascinated Bella, the only human girl who ever visited the castle.

Fantastic journey Belle, a bright, beautiful and independent young zhinkyyakyy, becomes an animal caught in his castle. InSpit of their fears, enchant his friendsPersonal castle and learn to look at the animal hidden inside and realize the true heart and soul of a prince.

IZombie season 3 episode 17

IZombie season 3 episode 17

Students turned into zombies in time, working on coronation of the brain to preserve their humanity. But the consumers of the brain, he inherited the memory of people in their brain. With the help of his boss and find the police solve cases of murder, in order to calm the voices in his head,And to save her from herself.

Harold and Lillian: A Hollywood Love

Harold and Lillian: A Hollywood Love

Storyboard artist Harold Michelson and his wife Lillian Michelson film researcher, one of the few talents were once considered the heart of Hollywood. Harold and Lillian worked with hundreds of iconic film the golden age of Hollywood, “The Ten Commandments”, “The Apartment”, “bird”, “Full Metal Jacket” and the like much more. The pair was responsible for some of Hollywood’s most iconic visual storytelling, although their contribution is, to a large extent without bateankreditu.

In This Corner Of The World

In This Corner Of The World

This section Suzu Vorld18-year-old living on the coast of Hiroshima during World War II. After she married, she must deal with the food and for the benefit of their families, distributing food through war. He was wearing a tragedy of life in the country in the war,sewing and painting, even still, it was a struggle to find the will to live in this part of the world.

Language: Japanese

Classification: NA

General data: 13 July 2017

Genre: Folk / Drama / History

Time: not available

Distributor: TGV Photos

Cast: No, Ioshimasa Hosoia, Inaba Natsuki ,, MinoriOmi

Director: Sunao Katabuchi

Format: 2D

Escape Room 2017

Escape Room 2017

Escape room group of four friends in a room escaped Los Angeles. Unfortunately they are possessed in a room with a killer demon possesses the space trapped with evil demon. They are less than an hour to solve or space to escape alive.

Language: English


General Release date: 1 June 2017

Genre: Horror

Duration: No

ID: GSC Film

Be right:

Produced by

Format: 2D

How To Be A Latin Lover

How To Be A Latin Lover

Very nice and very Maximo has a dream to become rich without having to work a day in your life. Having made a career seduces rich older women, he married a rich woman more than twice his age. After 25 years, it is broken and sad razbudamdo now 80-year-old, secret gets the surprise of his life when he ends up throwing her youngercar seller. Forced his house and desperately needed a place to stay, he must move his ex-sister Sarah and her Botha but charovnyyasyn, Hugo in his small apartment. pagsisikapupang a return to luxury, Maximo used his grandson classmate able to reach its new goal of his grandmother, Celeste, widowed billionaire. Maximo as trying to revive its strength as a Latin lover, he naogjasamiotbonding with her nephew Hugo, and she begins to recognize that they are like a Latin lover means that those who want money is not as important as the love of his family.

Maximo (Eusebio Derbez) gets the surprise of his life when he was rich, 80-year-old woman with a young zvalvaeonavtomobil seller. He forced kanyanghouse, now he has to move from its former sister Sara (Salma Hayek) and botany butbeloved son Hugo (Rafael Alejandro). In an attempt to return to luxury, Maximo hatches schemes to woo billionaire widow (Rachel Uelch) and live in high zhivotpovtorno.

When thrown IN25 years of marriage, the man who made a career out of seducing wealthy older women need to move with his estranged sister, where she begins to learn the value of family.

Get Out 2017

Get Out 2017

Now that became Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) and his girlfriend, Rose (Allison Williams) to hold meetings with parents calling for a weekend getaway with a mission to Deanem. Chris initially read the curse of family behavior as nervous trying to cope with racial relations of their daughter,but when the weekend developing a series of increasingly disturbing discovery leads to the truth, he never imagined.

Get outa young man of African-American family visiting family ancestry imieniuChrisCodi to ispolnatroditeli. Initially, the family considered tookeep their behavior in terms międzyrasyjnymi nerve mopping her daughters, but when the weekend unfolds, Chris learned that many of its inhabitants, who are African-Americans, disappeared. When he meets the African properties, he warned that “escape”as a series of discoveries and increasing harassment occurs, Chris teaches prawdyŻe ever imagined.


Classification: NA

General Date: April 20, 2017

Genre: Horror / Mystery

Duration: Not available

Distributor: United International Pictures

Starring: Daniel Kaluuya, Allison Williams, BradleyWhitford, Caleb Landry Jones

Director: Jordan Peele

Format: 2D

African American young man is visited by a mysterious Caucasian family friends. Young black man in white visit the family of his girlfriend, where he learned that many jejMieszkańcy who are black, have disappeared, and soon learnsawful truth, when a black man of property alerts “jump” .Naskoro learned that it is easier said than done.

Game of Thrones s06e15

Game of Thrones s06e15

The Game of Thrones is the GBO adaptation of the American writer George Martin of the epic fantasy of the new series, published by HarperCollins, Song of Ice and Fire. The show explores the medieval as a fantasy world with a multitude of characters that fight in a single game that matters- then the game of thrones. In this game you can win or die, there is no middle.

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