There may be times when you need OST provides an additional level of confidentiality of data. An example would be if you share your computer with someone else. Folder Password Lock Pro is a great way to increase the security of your data, access time rahisikutumia password storage. The interface is very easy to use and can remain hidden your data from prying eyes.
osoblyvisti features of Folder Password Lock Pro
In addition to offering easy password protection, there are other features worth mentioning about the performance. hiiKwa Therefore, it isas possible to protect a folder on an external hard drive. password can be used for all areas and is an important addition which you control activity in a specific folder. You will be able to know at all times danibuly changed, moved or kufutwana direct warning. Downloading only a megabyte, so zalnormaal no problems with the memory of the operating system. Installation takes only a few minutes after its completion Folder Password Lock Pro can be activated immediately.