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Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: The

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: The

Diary slack: where HaulTaking Long one year after the events “Dog Days”, Greg convinces his family to go on a trip to visit his great grandmother`s ninetieth birthday. But just so she visits a gaming convention nearby. things do not go as planned and Heffleyfynd family prank.


Classification: NA

General release date: 25 May 2017

Genre: Comedy

Time: Not Available

Distributor: 20th Century Fox

Starring: Jason Drucker, Owen Astalosh, CharlieWright, Alicia Silverstone,Tom Everett Scott

Director: David Bowers

Format: P2

family road trip Heffley icymryd part in Meemaw ninetieth birthday ridiculous because the track off his plan to soon reach agreement Greg video game. Heffley family road trip to attend the birth of ninety Meemaw ridiculous because off course recently Greg program entry fideoConfensiwn games. family adventure turns into nyikaHeffleys experience never to forget.

Rodynadoroha trip to celebratebirthday of 90 years old take a bride returns error when a boy (Jason Ian Drucker) hatches his plan to be the latest celebrity.

In Diary of a slack: – (Finally) for a long time, considering the record book series, a road trip to visit family birthday Meemaws ninety laughable away shortly latest Gregs program became popular.

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