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HyperCam 2.28

HyperCam 2.28

HyperCam 2.28

HiperCom is a program that allows you to capture video from your desktop computer power.

If you ever want to show a screencast people how to do something, or just do video that happens on the screen, you’ll need to screen a screen like HiperCom. Easy to install application and you can start recording some or all of the action on the screen. Here is the record and play buttons on HiperCom interface, you can hotkey which can be set activirativia. TergantungPada what you need, you can have aSpecify speed, and bring forward mouse click with flash the video.

While HiperCom does what it claims to be, it’s not a well-designed program. You may find your Speed ​​Video game twice, for no apparent reason. Race is also not reliable – in Windows 7 system, audio, music player, video files or video chat can be found. We also found HiperCom a little unstable, and kecevaBahva default installation process did not involve the application program files to your standards.

thereScreenculumure better tools, such as fraps it’s much more modern and better designed. HiperCom the basic required program the new version!



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