At the beginning of the 20th century, the British explorer Persi Fosett travels in the Amazon, where there is a previously unknown advanced civilization that shows the region ever inhabited. Although ridiculed by the scientific establishment, the locals look like the savage Fawcett assists his faithful wife, son and ordnance officer, he returned to his favorite game in an attempt to prove his case.
True zhizndrama centers British researchers Colonel PercivalFawcett,Which vanished during the search at the beginning of the twentieth century mysterious city in the Amazon in 1920. The lost city of Z is telling the incredible true story of the British explorer Persi Fosett in the Amazon, and found evidence of a hitherto unknown advanced civilization ever the region Although often mocked by the scientific uchrezhdeniekotory locals as a “savage”, consider the many Fawcett – supported by his devoted wife,Sons adjutants always give his favorite wilderness in an attempt to prove his case, the climax of his mysterious disappearances in 1925.